Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Grandma J's Letter

I got a handwritten card from Grandma J today, she was writing to thank me for a pair of fingerless mitts I made and sent to her about a week ago.

They were marled navy Wool-ease with some magenta colorwork in cashmere. I didn't even bother to block them (or photograph them), just finished them and put them in the mail. W had told me how much Grandma J enjoyed the pair I made for her 2 years ago and wore them nearly every day when it was cold. Actually, she told me she considered them "her treasures" and wore them unless they were being washed.

Is there anything that warms a knitter's heart more than for those she loves to wear her handknits? I don't think so. So, unasked, I cast on for another pair of mitts to replace her old ones. I had promised W a pair to match her meret, but she graciously agreed to put her Mom ahead in line.

Here's what her lovely note said,

Oh! H---, what a lovely surprise. I've patched my red ones twice just lately, but they still have lots of wear in them yet. I wear them day & nite. Love, L L them. I've had so many compliments on mine-wait till they see my new ones. Love the color and fancy trim-they look like so much work. You can't know how much I appreciate them. Thank you so much sweetheart-you are so kind and thoughtful. W said you are a prosecutor for the State now, I told S you should be good at that; growing up in a large family. Ha. Expecting more snow today. You have more than you want too I suppose. A little more than 30" now. Hope the boys are enjoying their teen years and are all in good health... Love ya, Grandma J

After a note like that, I'm the one that should be thanking her. It brought tears to my eyes and a determination to finish another pair for her for that cruelest of months, February. The lost art of letterwriting is not lost at all. In fact, I know a young man in Army Basic Training in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri (we always called it "Ft. Lostinthe Woods" because of it's remoteness) who is probably looking forward to mail call every day-think I'll write to him tonight.

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