The views are taken from my bedroom, where I sit above all of the other houses on our little street. My bedroom is a former attic that has been converted to living space. I didn't do the conversion, but I did update it. Tomorrow I will take pictures of my cozy bed with it's new comforter and then all will know how hard it is to get out of such luxury and warmth on cold mornings. That's my Honda Pilot (circa 2003) buried under snow, in front of my dogwood tree, in the second picture. If anybody wants a ride somewhere today, guess what the fare will be? Digging out is my least favorite chore, I prefer to let it melt if I can.
I started to take apart the Bolivian handknit, handspun sweater I found last week at a thrift store for $4. Difficult isn't the word I'm looking for, but "tedious" might be. I have a whole new respect for whomever knit it, because it is beautifully knit and the intarsia so well executed. Each seam required mammoth fortitude but the handspun 2 ply alpaca is so gorgeous I knew I was going to do it. I rewarded myself with chocolate at quite a few spots along the way. I finally have the front half done. Stupid cows and houses and trees. The final pictures show the cakes of yarn after I wound them on the ballwinder from balls I hand wound while disassembling.
I had an impromptu late night dying session late last night with some of the lavender yarn I raveled from the collar. More on that tomorrow.
I'm going to fortify myself with more coffee and see where the laundry situation stands. I've done a couple of loads, but as all mothers know the washing and drying is the easy part, the folding, delivery and putting away is what drags you down. When I think of how, even today, women have to wash their clothing in an icy stream and hang it over bushes to dry, I feel a gratitude for my appliances and shame in myself for thinking laundry done at Chez Maryskid is a thankless chore.
But I'm still going to need more coffee.
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