This has been an unusually cold January. It was down to 12F outside this week. I know it's winter and it's supposed to be cold, not balmy, but this is different. I do not like such intense, bone chilling cold. It's too cold to go out, it's difficult to get this drafty house warm, and at some point I'm as layered up as I can tolerate.
Growing up in Iowa, you would think I would be more nonchalant about winter temperatures, WV is much milder, winter-wise than Iowa was. I remember, as a girl, multiple consecutive days where the thermometer never got close to zero. Where the windchill meant temperatures of -15 or -20F and we had to go out in it because they did NOT call school off for frigid temperatures. We had a trusty woodstove that we used to heat the house, falling back on the furnace only when necessary, so that meant the big woodbox would require refilling, cold outside or not.
Now, I am the one who can predict weather with my left knee. I'm like those old folks in front of the general store, "ah yup, storm's a comin' - my knee's all stoved up" as I limp down the steps in search of aspirin and a hot shower. Was it from an old cross country injury? My brief career as a 7th and 8th grade cheerleader? Those years as a soldier hefting who-knows-how many pounds of rucksack on endless
Eldest son told me it was the barometric pressure change that caused my knee to hurt. He went into all kinds of scientific detail about it. Turns out there is even an Aches and Pains Map. Somehow, having that map seems to make it all more legitimate and less
And a comfy bed dressed in flannel sheets and a down comforter to get that long winter's nap.
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